Monday 30 June 2014

Nearly there

So here we go...Final 4 weeks of supervised practice left. It's a good, nervous and exciting thing to think in a few months I will have my pin number (assuming I make it through the next few weeks and I didn't cock up my dissertation). It is also sad because soon I will be leaving the hospital I have been training in for the last three years to join a new trust.

Due to the current structure of the NHS every hospital trust has different paperwork, policies and computer system. Which I will have to get used to along with the pressures of actually qualifying! But then I have made my own bed I chose to move back home with my family rather than stay here, but it may make my life difficult in the long run...

With these crazy mixed feelings I thought I'd ask if anyone had any advice about starting at a new job nursing or otherwise...

Another thing I was wondering is what do people feel about the inconsistencies between hospitals in the NHS? I think the idea is that each trust is catered to the population in the local area that it supports, because statistics have shown that there are regional trends in some illnesses. This recent post by the Kings Fund explains this idea of improvements being made 'from within' will be encouraged from now on. I know that not one size fits all but with these changes how can people know what to expect when they come to hospital. Also improvements made at one hospital may be beneficial to another, but will these suggestions be shared? I understand that the move away from politician to clinician lead organisations is a good idea but I think people value consistency. As mentioned in the Keogh report on emergency healthcare, people are muddled on what service is good for them because it varies across the country.

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